Community Sponsors
This event is free to the public and provides an opportunity for families to learn about the history, culture, and heritage of the region while taking part in traditional activities. The event is designed to promote visitors to interact directly with local businesses and sponsors.
What is Día de los Muertos? Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, pays homage to the presence of the dead among the living, and is a colorful tribute to California’s own Mexican heritage. The holiday’s roots are deep in history, culture, and family, making it the perfect event for the Gaslamp in Downtown San Diego.
With the help of community partners such as you, we hope you will take part in upholding this important San Diego tradition and also help the Old Town business community thrive over the winter months.
mailto:rob-vslmedia@cox.net to contact Visual Media Group via email or type: rob-vslmedia@cox.net